My 3 favourite things about being a mobile physio

I have now been working as a mobile physio for almost a year and a half. This has come after 10 years of working in private practice in the setting that most of you are familiar. It was all I knew, and I enjoyed it. I felt I was doing a good job, that I had variety...

Why am I dizzy?

One of my toddler’s favourite things to do at the moment is to spin around and around until he makes himself dizzy. It always make me a bit uncomfortable, mostly because I’m worried he’ll hurt himself in the aftermath, but also because as an adult, I don’t enjoy the...

Wrist Pain in New Mums

Being a new mum brings with it many challenges: recovering from a birth, sleep depravation and finding a 'balance' are just a few! Why not throw a bit of wrist pain into the mix?  ’Baby wrist’ is something I’m seeing a lot of at the moment, so I thought I would...

Should I crack my own back?

Cracking your knuckles / back / neck (or whatever tickles your fancy) can feel oh so good. But is it any good for you or should you be avoiding it all together? What happens when you crack a joint? Self-manipulating or ‘cracking’ a joint involves taking it to the end...

Are high heels really that bad for you?

Let’s be honest, high heels are pretty and they make our legs look longer… It’s unfortunate because, if it weren’t for this fact, we would probably never ever wear them! But are they really that bad for you? Well, yes …they are... There is no point in sugar-coating...

Can I get knee pain from sitting?

Yes. In fact the exact same condition that causes 'runner's knee' is also be called ‘moviegoer’s knee’…well if that's not confusing... Both ‘Runners knee’ and ‘moviegoer’s knee’ refer to a condition called patello-femoral pain syndrome (PFPS), which is not...

Ice or heat for pain and injury?

You’ve just rolled your ankle. It’s sore and you’re struggling to put weight on it. Should you put ice on it or heat? Most would correctly say ice. But what about when you’ve woken up and your neck feels ‘locked’. Every time you try to turn it you get a sharp pain. Do...

Should I stretch a sore muscle?

Muscles can be sore for a number of different reasons. Soreness can be a result of a muscle tear or a joint injury, or it could come from being overworked or overstretched. Whilst it might feel natural to stretch your stiff neck or your sore...