Boosting Consistency
The one silly thing that has boosted my consistency this week... One of my key foundations is having a decent, protein-rich breakfast because it has such a big ripple effect on the rest of my day. But chaotic mornings have made this more difficult to get done lately,...
This is more important than a healthy weight
I don’t talk about weight very often. As physios, I know we’re supposed to talk about it. We’re supposed to emphasise the importance of staying within a healthy weight range for the sake of our clients’ health. But tbh, I’m yet to meet someone who isn’t aware that...
Hip flow
If your lower back and hips feel tight after hours at your desk, you’re not alone! We often blame our posture or our chair for aches and pains from sitting, and whilst these can have an impact on our body, the real culprit is often the lack of variety in movement....
What’s better than the “All or Nothing” mindset
You know what’s sneaky about the “all or nothing” mindset? On the surface, it feels aspirational. You’re all in, smashing your goals, proving how disciplined and committed you are. And when you’re in the “all” phase, it feels incredible; like nothing can stop you. But...
Do you struggle with overhead press?
I’ve come across a whole heap of women lately with a fear of lifting their arms overhead. 👉🏼 Some of them are worried about overhead press contributing to neck pain and headaches👉🏼 Some hate how their shoulders feel weak or clicky overhead👉🏼 Some just flat out avoid...
The statistic that left three women petrified
There’s a statistic floating around right now. I’m assuming you’ve heard it because, in the past month alone, three different women have asked me a version of the same question: "Is it true that 1 in 4 women over 45 who break a hip won’t survive the next year?” I...
To see results – just start with ONE tiny thing
When it comes to building better habits, most people get stuck in the same cycle:1️⃣ They try to change everything at once.2️⃣ They don’t give new habits time to stick.3️⃣ They feel frustrated when nothing seems to work. The key isn’t doing more- it’s doing less, but...
7 Things to do on a Sunday to set up a better week
Our weeks van be jam packed, especially at this time of the year. Here are 7 things to do on a Sunday to set yourself up for the best possible week ahead: Plan and prep foodPlanning and prepping our food for the week makes a massive difference to how well we all eat...
5 Big changes I’ve made to feel my best in my 40’s
Last year, I turned 40. In the lead-up, I felt it: a shift- physical, mental, and energetic. I started to wonder:➡️ What will the next 40 years look like?➡️ Have I done enough to look after myself?➡️ What changes do I need to make to truly support my body now? So, I...
Why I found myself scrubbing grout in a flood
Recently, my studio flooded. What was supposed to be a normal day of work turned into a full-blown cleanup operation. It was overwhelming, to say the least. Ten minutes into the chaos, I found myself upstairs cleaning the grout lines in our bathroom. Yep, scrubbing...
Ten thousand steps a day is not necessary
It’s not necessary to experience the benefits of walking, like:❤️ Improved circulation🦴 Bone density benefits🦶 Better joint health😊 Improved mood and sleep🧠 Slowing mental decline and reducing onset of Alzheimers💪 Strengthening Muscles Sure, 10000 steps a day is an...
Unexpected perks of strength training
I’ve been throwing weights around for many years now, long before booties were in and instagram was full of women doing squats in the gym (tbh it was actually well before instagram was even a thing 🙈 and for the record, I’ve never had an insta-worthy 🍑) Anyway...just...
Are you a dandelion or an orchid?
This conversation came up in a class this week as we were talking about how different kids respond to their environment. The analogy comes from a book by paediatrician, Thomas Boyce, and basically goes like this: Dandelions thrive almost anywhere. They’re adaptable,...
Are you avoiding lunges?
I had a client in last week who had knee pain on lunges. I will rarely just throw an exercise out. Instead we problem solve together. We try to find a way she CAN do the exercise without pain. Or at the very least, choose an exercise that works the same muscle group...
Stop “switching on your core” if you want your back to feel better!
Here’s the thing: your back isn’t meant to be rigid. It’s designed to move—to bend, extend, twist, and side bend. 🌊 Constantly bracing or “switching on your core” can actually work against you, creating tension and limiting natural movement, which may lead to more...
Do you identify as this type of person?
So many of the women I work with tell me they can’t exercise at home - it’s just not their thing. Does this sound like you? Maybe it feels like you’re not self-motivated enough, or it seems impossible because you rarely get time to yourself. Sometimes we feel so...
Work WITH your foam roller
Do you too live in fear of your physio asking you“Do you have a foam roller at home?” I know at least with the women I work with, this question is usually met by an“Ughhh, no! Don’t make me do it!” Well, I’ve got good news. Foam rolling is not a ‘no pain, no gain’...
How do you know if you’re doing your pelvic floor exercises properly?
There are many wild and wonderful things women do when they think they’re contracting their pelvic floor! You might think this isn’t an issue for you because you haven’t got symptoms #ifitaintbrokedontfixit And you might be right! But knowing and understanding...
Are you caught up in the curtains?
You know when your partner works in a completely different industry, and you start picking up their random lingo, even though you have absolutely no use for it? Same. My husband's a builder, and as a result, I've developed a rich construction-specific vocabulary over...
Looking for ways to make your backpain worse?
Low back pain is the leading cause of disability globally. For something so common (in any given year, almost 40% of the population will have it!)- there is still so much confusion about what to do when it strikes!Low back pain can feel quite scary. It can make it...