by Libby | Dec 20, 2024 | Desk workers, Exercise, Glow Physio
It’s not necessary to experience the benefits of walking, like:❤️ Improved circulation🦴 Bone density benefits🦶 Better joint health😊 Improved mood and sleep🧠 Slowing mental decline and reducing onset of Alzheimers💪 Strengthening Muscles Sure, 10000 steps a day is an...
by Libby | Mar 21, 2024 | Back pain, Desk workers, Ergonomics, Exercise, Glow Physio, Posture
Suffering from headaches? They might be coming from your neck! Here are 3 signs to watch out for: 1️⃣ When you push on your neck it reproduces the pain – If you’ve noticed a bit of massage or pressing on your neck alters your headache symptoms (for better or...
by Libby | Mar 18, 2024 | Back pain, Desk workers, Ergonomics, Exercise, Glow Physio
I see this type of pain often in clinic especially in Mums feeding and carrying babies and also in desk workers spending a lot of time on their computers. Often I find the inter scapular muscles are lengthened with poor strength & endurance. Sure it feels good to...
by Libby | Aug 18, 2023 | Desk workers, Ergonomics, Exercise, Glow Physio
🤕 Suffering from headaches? They might be coming from your neck! Here are 3 signs to watch out for: 1️⃣ When you push on your neck it reproduces the pain – If you’ve noticed a bit of massage or pressing on your neck alters your headache symptoms (for better or...
by Libby | Jan 15, 2020 | Desk workers, Ergonomics, Glow Physio
I harp on about this a lot! Especially to anyone I treat for pain aggravated by desk/computer work! #sorrynotsorry Microbreaks are tiny little breaks you take regularly throughout the day to mix up your position/posture. They can be very short (even 30seconds can...
by Libby | Jan 19, 2017 | Back pain, Balance, Desk workers, Exercise, Glow Physio, Mums, Pilates, Posture, Shoulder pain, Sports injuries, Therapies
We know that Pilates is one of those ‘all rounders’ when it comes to exercise. It’s great for building strength and stability, for improving flexibility, balance and mobility and also offers the added bonus of challenging the brain<->body connection. One of the...