by Libby | Jun 24, 2024 | Glow Physio, Mums, Pelvic floor, Pregnancy, Uncategorized
It’s important to note that there is currently no strong evidence to support exercise cycle syncing… However, we are cyclical beings 💮 And when we consider the fluctuations in hormones that occur through the month for many women, and in turn our energy and mood, it is...
by Libby | Jun 12, 2024 | Ergonomics, Exercise, Glow Physio, Mums, Pregnancy
Lots of the pregnant women I see struggle with hip pain, especially when lying in bed and especially in the last trimester! Different to pelvic girdle pain, or sciatica, this kind of pain is felt in the sides of the hips, usually on both sides. It happens as the...
by Libby | May 24, 2024 | Exercise, Glow Physio, Mums, Pelvic floor, Pregnancy
When I asked Mums if they’re exercising, I often hear “No, just running around after the kids” So does running around after your kids actually count as exercise? And if so, how much? Well the answer is yes…and no! Let’s start with the YES: It absolutely definitely...
by Libby | Apr 24, 2024 | Glow Physio, Mums, Pelvic floor, Pregnancy
Just because you are not currently experiencing urinary incontinence, it doesn’t mean that you have a pelvic floor that is functioning well. ➡️It might be that you just haven’t challenged it enough yet with how you exercise➡️It might be that you haven’t experienced a...
by Libby | Feb 5, 2024 | Exercise, Mums, Pelvic floor, Pregnancy
I was 28 when I fell pregnant with my first boy 👶 By this point, I’d been working as a physiotherapist for 6 years. I’d already worked with countless pregnent women. And I was terrified of developing abdominal separation (and prolapse- but I’ll save that for another...
by Libby | Nov 19, 2023 | Glow Physio, Mums, Pregnancy
❌You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks after birth to see a physio❌You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks to start exercising❌ You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks to start rehab for your abdominal muscles In fact, there is SO MUCH we can help with in the first 6 weeks....