The truth about abdominal diastasis

I was 28 when I fell pregnant with my first boy 👶 By this point, I’d been working as a physiotherapist for 6 years. I’d already worked with countless pregnent women. And I was terrified of developing abdominal separation (and prolapse- but I’ll save that for another...

Seven reasons I love seeing new Mamas early

❌You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks after birth to see a physio❌You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks to start exercising❌ You don’t have to wait until 6 weeks to start rehab for your abdominal muscles In fact, there is SO MUCH we can help with in the first 6 weeks....

Should you run during pregnancy?

Running During Pregnancy: A Balanced Approach Whether you should run during pregnancy comes down to the RISK vs BENEFIT for YOU. Specifically: 🤰the risk to YOU (pelvic floor, joint injury) 👶the risk to BABY (overheating) ⭐️the benefit to BOTH (mental health, exercise...