No leakage ≠ No problems

Just because you are not currently experiencing urinary incontinence, it doesn’t mean that you have a pelvic floor that is functioning well. ➡️It might be that you just haven’t challenged it enough yet with how you exercise➡️It might be that you haven’t experienced a...

The problem with All or Nothing

So many of the women I see in my work identify as ‘All or Nothing’ gals. And to be honest, I rarely see it work out for the best! The thing is, ‘All or Nothing’ can be hugely productive…for the very brief moment in time when ‘All’ is possible. And that can give us a...

Pinchy hip toolkit

Hips can be tricky 🤔 They can give you pain in LOTS of different areas and can play up for LOTS of different reasons. One of the most common types of hip pain I treat (especially in Mums) is anterior hip pain, which is often described as a pinching pain in the front...

5 ways to keep your sore neck sore

Go on, be honest, which of these have you done before..? Someties it’s easier to start with what NOT to do! So now that we’re clear on things that might your sore neck angier, let’s talk about what might actually make your sore neck happier!* ✅ Whilst gentle...

Does your exercise routine need a mix up?

My exercise choices have changed significantly across the different stages of my life: In my teens, I played a LOT of netball and touch football, and did a bit of long distance running. In my early 20s, I was into the gym – lifting some weights, running HIIT. I...