Toning is not a thing

I don’t like being the bearer of bad news, but… “Toning” is not a thing. In fact, the whole concept was designed as a marketing term to appeal to women. Muscles can get bigger or smaller, but not firmer or softer. You can’t “tone” by using smaller weightsYou can’t...

In a tough season of life? Try this.

Unless I’ve seen you for a physio consult recently or had the pleasure of some one on one time with you, I have no idea what’s going on for you right now. But I can say, with confidence – you are in a season. This stage of life you are currently...

Exercising at home

I want to make this clear. I don’t think we should ALL exercise at home ALL of the time. Nothing quite beats doing a Pilates class with a few ladies you love chatting to. Or meeting a friend for a long walk and talk. Or playing a social game of tennis. However, I do...

A few of my favourite things

Anyway, I wanted to keep this short and sweet today, and share a few of my latest favourite things for looking after myself +/- building a stronger, more resilient body. (btw – I’ve included links below in case you want to check them out; they’re not...