Unless I’ve seen you for a physio consult recently or had the pleasure of some one on one time with you, I have no idea what’s going on for you right now.
But I can say, with confidence – you are in a season. This stage of life you are currently in, is a season.
I don’t know if it feels like a really good one or a not-so-good one. But I do know, either way, that this too shall pass.
If you feel like you’re in a challenging season right now; like you have a thousand balls in the air, or even just one really heavy, ginourmous ball… I want you to know that you are not alone. I’m feeling challenged by the season I’m in right now too, as I have been countless times before.
In these more difficult seasons, it’s tempting to hold your breath, close your eyes, and just wait for it all to be done.
But I thought I would share what I’ve learned to do instead, in case it helps you too.
Take a few deep breaths and accept the season as it is – This is not the same as resigning in defeat, but instead embracing and adapting to the changes and challenges it brings. Try asking yourself – What are the silver linings here?
Relieve some of the overwhelm – In these times, everything can feel urgent and important. Which contributes to a feeling of overwhelm. Regaining a bit of clarity around what is important to us can help us direct our energy in a way that feels really good. Try this – first acknowledge the overwhelm, and then make a list of ALL of the things on your mind (on paper). Choose one thing you absolutely have to get done, one thing that would reduce your overwhelm, and one thing that would bring you joy. Everything else can stay on the list for tomorrow.
Set a different benchmark for this season – Understand that your usual goals and standards might not be achievable right now. But progress is still progress, even if the steps are smaller. Try this – Pick one area of your life that you feel like you’re failing in right now. Write down what the ‘ideal’ is for this area that you’re measuring yourself against. Now write down a smaller version that would still see you making progress, but aligns better with your current capacity.
Define your bare minimum – Identifying the non-negotiable bare minimum you can do, even on your worst days, can make a huge difference. Try this – Ask yourself, what is the bare minimum I can still do, even when the kids are sick, it’s raining, I’m tired etc – Can you get some protein into your brekky? Drink lots of water? Move your body for 10mins? Go to bed at a specific time? Write it down.
Choose new ways to look after yourself – When the usual routines don’t fit, it can feel better to try something completely different, rather than a ‘lesser than’ version of what you’re used to. Try this – pick a new way to look after yourself that you can do.