A little test for >60’s

A loss of mobility and function can really sneak up on you! If you (or someone you love) is over 60, I’ve got a little test for you… Can you: Sit-to-stand without using your hands?🌟bonus points if it’s a low chair🌟🌟bonus bonus points if you can do it multiple times...

Why discomfort is your friend

I’m back from my very first GLOW Women’s Hiking Retreat, and honestly, I’m still on a bit of a high. I loved being able to share the weekend with 11 fabulous women, focusing on the theme of rest (I know, ironic ), being in nature, away from screens...

Menopause is technically just one day

Did you know ow that Menopause could be marked as just one day on your calendar? 📅 Perimenopause on the other hand… it is different. It’s the (often gradual) onset of signs associated with hormonal changes that start for women in their 30s to mid-40s (ie the majority...