No leakage ≠ No problems

Just because you are not currently experiencing urinary incontinence, it doesn’t mean that you have a pelvic floor that is functioning well. ➡️It might be that you just haven’t challenged it enough yet with how you exercise➡️It might be that you haven’t experienced a...

I used to think walking didn’t count as exercise

 I see a lot of women in clinic who don’t count walking as exercise. It doesn’t even factor in for them when I ask them if they’re currently exercising. I get it. Once upon a time, I used to believe that walking didn’t make the cut as exercise either.It’s...

3 Exercises I wish all women did daily

1. Connect to your Pelvic Floor Including: The sensation of squeeze, lift and holdThe sensation of full relaxation Building up areas of deficit: This might mean working onEndurance Power Coordination Relaxation… Depending on your needs 2. Diaphragmatic Breathing...

Am I having a midlife crisis?

I’m turning 40 soon and I’m actually feeling fine about the number. I’ve never found milestone birthdays to be an emotional trigger for me. I mean, I am aware my body is ageing – I’m literally booked in for an eye exam today because I think reading glasses are...