Ice or heat for pain and injury?

You’ve just rolled your ankle. It’s sore and you’re struggling to put weight on it. Should you put ice on it or heat? Most would correctly say ice. But what about when you’ve woken up and your neck feels ‘locked’. Every time you try to turn it you get a sharp pain. Do...

Does dry-needling hurt?

The response I most often get when I discuss the option of dry needling with a client is “I hate needles!”. Firstly, who actually LIKES needles?? And secondly, some hesitation is completely understandable, especially if you have never had it done before! What is dry...

Is it time for new shoes?

You’d be amazed at how many patients I’ve seen with lower limb pain that have seen significant improvement with just a new pair of shoes. So when should I replace my runners? You should suspect that you’re due for a new pair if you start to experience any...