A wakeup call

I’ve just had a wake up call. Ok, that might be a bit dramatic… A gentle nudge might be a bit more appropriate. I’ve just been on a call with Jane Pocock (mum of David Pocock), who I interviewed for my podcast). We chatted about soooo many things; I...

The comparison trap

We’ve all heard the saying “comparison is the thief of joy” and I’m sure you’ve experienced this and know it to be true.  We compare our bodies, our homes, our things, our parenting style, our achievements, our talents… Nothing is really off the table...

7 myths about protein for women

Making sure I’m getting enough protein into my day is one of the most effective things I do for my wellbeing.⁠ ⁠And remember there are lots of amazing dieticians, nutritionists & naturopaths who can help you work out the right source & amount of protein...

Both/And Thinking and how it can help in motherhood

Both/and thinking is acknowledging that you can and almost certainly will at times feel more than one thing at a time. For example as a Mum, you can be both grateful and resentful of the pressures of motherhood. You can feel both appreciative that you have time to...