This is something I see time and time again.
▶️ Mamas who are afraid they’ll make their abdominal separation worse
▶️ Mamas who are afraid they’ll give themselves a prolapse
▶️ Mamas who are afraid they’ll injure themselves
All feelings are valid. And sure, sometimes these fears are warranted.
But so often I end up getting women to
👉🏼 Move MORE
👉🏼 Load MORE
👉🏼 Work MORE
Because they can often do SO MUCH more than they think they can.
And our bodies don’t get stronger unless they’re challenged (within their limits of control and good form 💪)
Especially in the case of abdominal separation and core strength, the women I see are often not improving because they are not working their muscles hard enough.
What was your experience with exercising after pregnancy? Were you afraid of doing the wrong thing or making things worse?
If I can be of help – please get in touch.