Numbers are great.

Our brains often crave them to measure whether we’re making progress.

But they’re also a bit lazy, preferring to choose the path of least resistance. Enter -> the number on the scales.

Weighing yourself is fine, as long say you know what it is you’re measuring. In the case of scales, it’s physical load.

That is it.

❌ You’re NOT measuring your muscle mass.
❌ You’re NOT measuring your fitness.
❌ You’re NOT measuring your strength, power, or functional ability.
❌ You’re NOT measuring your energy or wellbeing.

If you actually do only care about your body’s physical load or weight, then sure, keep stepping on those bathroom scales.

But if you want to measure whether your training is actually working, think about measuring instead:

1️⃣ Body Composition – It’s not just about weight; it’s about muscle vs. fat. This can be tracked through DEXA scans, skinfold measurements, or even how your clothes fit. Strength training changes your shape in ways the scale can’t capture!

2️⃣ How You Feel – Are you more energised? Sleeping better? Feeling less stressed? These internal shifts matter just as much as the external ones.

3️⃣ What Your Body Can Do – Can you lift heavier, move faster, or balance better? These improvements in strength and function show that you’re getting stronger every day. 💪

So if the scale isn’t budging, don’t sweat it. And certainly don’t let it derail you from your efforts!

Your body is still working hard, and progress is likely happening in ways that really count! 🙌