I know I harp on a LOT about strength training around here, but I also have a very long love affair with Pilates 😍.

I love how adaptable it is and I love the mind-body connection and the control it requires.

But it’s not just a pretty face 🤩

Pilates is also a WINNER when it comes to the management of chronic back pain. I see this time and time again IRL but it’s nice also to see it reflected in the research.

In a recent network meta-analysis, Pilates, core-based, strength and mind-body exercises were found to be the most effective interventions for reducing pain and disability in adults with chronic low back pain 🏆

In the analysis which included a review of 118 randomised controlled trials, the effectiveness of different types of exercise were assessed against a control group involving education, ‘wait and see’, placebo, GP management & Physio treatment.

They looked at:
➖Aerobic exercise
➖Strength training
➖Combination (aerobic, stretching & strengthening)
➖Mind-body (eg. yoga, Tai Chi, Qui gong)

And guess what they found?

Pilates was found to be the most effective intervention for reducing pain, followed by mind-body and core-based exercise 🙌🏼

Pilates was also found to be the most effective exercise followed by strength and core-based exercises for disability 🙌🏼

The most beneficial programs included:
✔️At least 1-2 sessions/week
✔️Sessions <60mins of core-based, strength and mind-body exercises
✔️Training programs from 3-9 weeks

I love seeing people 1:1 and still use my hands to treat every day…But often the combination of 🙌🏼 + 🙆‍♀️ is where the really magic happens ✨