I often think back to the days I had a baby/babies at home for much of the week.

I remember of how long and short the days could feel, all in the same moment.

And I remembered the sense of guilt I would feel that I should have accomplished more- cooked healthier meals, tidied the house more, been a more present mum…You know how it goes, right? Something about the sun going down that allows the self doubt to creep up?

I also remember how hard it felt to get to the end of each day with no obvious or objective way of measuring how I’d done. I had come from working in a paid job which, whilst not necessarily full of high-fives and back-pats, did tend to culminate in a pay-check at the end of the week. Something objective that told me I did ‘this much’ of something.

But there really is no objective measure of how well we are doing as mums.

I think (for some of us more than others) this can mean we grasp for other ways to measure our value. And that’s why we turn to things like:
1. The number on the scales
2. The number of ticks on our to-do list
3. The amount of money we make
4. The number of likes we get on social media
5. The number of workouts we did this week

I know for me personally, it’s a daily struggle not to fall back into the trap of allowing these numbers to measure my value.

I’d love to know, is this something you’ve also struggled with? And if so, any hot tips?