I’m all about outsourcing.
Well, theoretically, I’m all about it.
I understand and appreciate the concept of outsourcing the things we’re not good at / hate doing, especially if it means we could be doing something instead that has more of an impact on our life and those around us…
But it can be SO hard to do in reality. Whether it’s the giving up control, not trusting it will get done to our standard, or just parting with the money it will cost to pay someone else… Outsourcing can be easier said than done.
Except it seems, when it comes to our bodies.
One of the most common obstacles that get in the way for women when it comes to exercise is fear of doing the wrong thing.
We fear using poor technique, question every movement and worry about unknowingly doing damage (and this fear is supercharged when we’ve had an experience with pain or injury before.)
Simply, we lose trust in our body. So what we do instead is:
- Avoid movement/exercise all together (i.e ignore), or
- Only move/exercise in a highly supervised environment (i.e outsource).
Neither option is particularly empowering, is it?
Here’s the thing I want you to know.
- You absolutely can learn the basics of good form.
- You can learn the cues that work for your body.
- You can learn how to tell when your body is doing an exercise well (or not).
- You can take back control and learn to trust your body again.
But only if you stop outsourcing.
I’m not saying you will never need help, should never exercise supervised or that you will never hurt yourself.
I am saying that you are not a lost cause! You are capable of creating the new neural pathways to develop the skill. Because that’s all it is; a skill.
You’re in this body for life. So you might as well get to know it, right?