“But what about cardio?” 🏃‍♀️

It’s a question I get asked all the time (especially from women who were kids prior to 1995 and still kinda believe that strength training = bulky muscles and cardio = fat loss + lean bodies.)

But here’s the reality: As we age, strength training becomes far more important for building muscle, boosting metabolism, and keeping our bodies strong and resilient. 💪

However, this DOESN’T mean cardio is useless—it’s just time to rethink how we do it!

It’s time to Cardio SMARTER not HARDER.

First, know WHY you’re doing it.

➡ If you’re training for a specific event, like an endurance event or team sport season, then make sure your cardio training is specific to that goal.

➡ If you love walking (like I do) and find it good for the soul, your mental health and your social life, then of course – get your nice long walks in.

But if, like many women, your goal is to feel fitter; to improve your cardiovascular health +/- to improve your body composition, then:
❌ STOP prioritising those long, slow steady state cardio sessions (i.e Zone 2 training) and instead
✅ START prioritising higher intensity exercise like SIT (Sprint Interval Training) – super short sprints 10-30sec at almost max effort with adequate recovery time NOT a 45min “HIIT” Class

💙For me personally, I’m going to continue my walks outside because I want to be able to walk for as long as I possibly can, I LOVE it for my mental health and frankly, because my dog Fergus has me over a barrel.

BUT I make sure my SIT training is scheduled in first – 2-3x/week. It only takes me <15-20mins and it’s great bang for buck.