If your lower back and hips feel tight after hours at your desk, you’re not alone!
We often blame our posture or our chair for aches and pains from sitting, and whilst these can have an impact on our body, the real culprit is often the lack of variety in movement.
When we sit for long stretches without changing position, our bodies adapt to the limited range of motion we’re giving them. The muscles around your hips and lower back can become tight and achey because they’re stuck in the same position for hours. It’s not that you’re sitting “wrong”, just that your body is screaming for a break.
Try this short 5min flow at the end of each day to give your hips some of that juicy variety again.
And to help minimise the tightness building in the first place, try:
👉🏼 Setting an alarm every 30-40mins to fit in a movement “snack” throughout the day, like standing, walking, or doing a quick stretch
👉🏼 Using a lumbar support on your chair and allowing your chair to fully support you so that your muscles aren’t working harder than they have to
👉🏼 Consider a sit to stand desk so you can alternate between the two during the day
Your body loves variety, so even small changes in how you move during the day can make a big difference.
Comment HIP FLOW on this Insta post and I’ll send you a link to the full length video so you can save it on your phone and do it whenever you like!