Your unique exercise block…

The Contented Cruiser

Description: You’re naturally active through your day, and you’ve never really felt the need to do formal exercise. Maybe you’re naturally thin, or your busy lifestyle already feels like enough movement. While you’re doing great at staying active, you might be missing out on the deeper benefits of intentional exercise—like building strength, boosting energy, and future-proofing your body for the years ahead.

Key Strength: You’re already moving and active, which means you’re halfway there!

Obstacle: Not seeing the need or incentive to add intentional exercise to your routine.

Solution: Shift your focus to the benefits of exercise that your daily activities might not provide. Think about building strength, reducing pain, boosting energy, improving confidence, supporting brain, muscle, and bone health, and setting an example for the people you care about. Getting clear on the immediate and long-term benefits that resonate with you—and finding a way to measure and track these—can help you stay focused on what truly matters.